Sunday 7 April 2019

Binary Search Tree

Binary Search Tree is a binary tree in which every node contains only smaller values in its left subtree and only larger values in its right subtree.

Binary Tree

Binary Tree is a special data structure used for data storage purposes. A binary tree has a special condition that each node can have a maximum of two children.

Wednesday 14 February 2018


Queue is a data structure which works on FIFO( Fisrt In First Out)rule i.e elements are inserted and deleted in FIFO fashion.

Tuesday 13 February 2018


The stack  is a non-primitive linear data structure in computer science. In a simple way can visualize a pile of books as stack. we can put the book from the TOP

Monday 12 February 2018

Linked List

Linked List as the name suggests, it's a linkage of Nodes which contain list.

What is Node?

In a simpler manner, Node can be thought as a box where we can put some items and it has glue on one side through which